Reporting to Parents
We pride ourselves on having an open-door policy; this enables parents to request a meeting with teachers throughout the school year to discuss any concerns or ways to support their child, rather than having to wait for an official invitation. In addition to this, we hold an open evening during the first term, a parents' consultation in the Spring Term (with an interim report detailing whether a child is working towards, in line with or above national expectations in each curriculum subject) and an end of year formal report with associated national assessment data for EYFS (Early Learning Goals), Y1 (Phonics) Y2 (Teacher Assessment in Reading, Writing, Maths and Science), Y4 (Multiplication and Times-tables Assessment) and Y6 (a combination of SATS results and Teacher Assessments in Reading, Writing, Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling, Maths and Science). Reports also include an assessment of "learning to learn" in recognition of how well-prepared a child is to enter the next stage of their education, along with an assessment of achievement in all the subjects studied over the year.
Children whom teachers have identified as needing extra targets to ensure that progress is tracked over the year receive an ADPR (Assess, Plan, Do, Review) report. This is shared with parents at the end of each half-term; targets are reviewed and new ones developed. SImilarly children who have an EHA, or EHCP have regular meetings with the class teacher and SENDCO to ensure that they are fully informed and best placed to support their child's learning and development.
On a more informal level, children take home their books to share with parents on a regular basis throughout the year. Teachers also send home emails to parents, celebrating any exceptional work their child has completed. Photographs of these individual achievements are on our school twitter page.