Our School - House Teams
Each child is assigned to a House Team when they join the school. The House Teams are named after prominent cathedrals and are as follows...
- Canterbury - Yellow Team
- Lincoln - Green Team
- Westminster (Abbey) - Blue Team
- York - Red Team
The Houses compete against each other throughout the year for house points in activities such as sport, music, drama, general knowledge quizzes, talent shows etc. House points are awarded to promote positive attitudes and to reward those children who demonstrate our school values within a competitive framework. House points are evidence of our commitment to encourage children to win and lose well with humility and grace. This creates compassionate, caring and well-rounded individuals who show empathy and resilience in all they do. It is also good preparation for them when representing the school in intra-school competitions.
Children have the opportunity of being awarded a House Captaincy if they are recognised as being positive role-models for the younger children in the school. Towards the end of the school year the children compete in their houses in a competitive Sports Day - a great day for parents and children.