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Pupil Premium - Introduction for parents
The pupil premium was introduced by the government in April 2011. It was designed to give additional money to support schools in raising the attainment of: those children who receive free school meals; those children in local authority care or those who were from a family serving in the forces.
Across the nation, the level of pupil premium funding allocated to schools for pupils who were eligible for free school meals has gradually increased from £488 per child in 2011-2012 to the current figure of £1385 per child.
In 2012-13 the government decided that eligibility for the pupil premium would be extended to pupils who have been eligible for free school meals at any point in the preceding 6 years.
Children who currently have family members in the services are eligible under the Pupil Premium for £320.
Looked after children (those who are under the care of the Local Authority) are eligible for £2410.
The funding is given to schools to spend as they think best, although there is a requirement to publish online how this money is spent (see our strategy statement)